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Helping residents overcome loneliness through a healing voice

Challenges / Solutions

How VoiceLove supports care home residents

Maintaining regular connection.
With VoiceLove, visiting hours, distance, travel issues, work commitments, or infectious diseases are no longer limitations.
Patient dependency on staff.
Our user-friendly app allows easy voice messaging between loved ones and residents without relying on staff assistance.
Loneliness and isolation.
The app alleviates language differences by allowing residents to easily speak directly to their loved ones in their mother tongue.
Each day spent in delirium increases the risk of death 
by 10%
Cognitive abilities declined 20% faster among those who reported loneliness
Isolation increases the risk of dementia by approximately 50% for residents

What we offer

Product features that center the needs of residents

Explore the practical features of our voice-led app that boosts residents’ morale by enabling seamless digital connection with loved ones.

HIPAA secure

Ensures secure and confidential communication. All communication is safely encrypted and logged.

Multi-user access

The voice app is easily accessible to family, friends, staff, and clergy to seamlessly communicate with residents.

Automatic playback

Allows residents to easily access voice messages 24/7, always-on connectivity ensures loved ones are always at the bedside.

Inclusive, simple design

Even residents with limited mobility can communicate with an easy one-button interface, making it accessible to all.

Download the app

We’re improving patient health outcomes through essential, life-changing voice-to-voice technology. Our innovative voice messaging app brings families and patients closer, tackling loneliness and isolation.

Fosters communication! New York Presbyterian crafts walkie-talkie and app-based program to foster communication between Coronavirus patients and families.

Becker’s Health IT

Unexpected lifeline! New device use becomes an unexpected 'lifeline' for families in ICU during COVID-19.

Keeps families connected! Walkie-talkie system keeps families connected to ICU patients.

Modern Healthcare

Amazing innovation! I worry about the long-term effects of catching this virus, but my heart breaks for these families, so I take on the risk of holding up a tablet. I cried when I saw the family finally getting what they needed

 ICU Nurse

Amazing tool! This was such an amazing tool to be given during this horrible time. It gave me and my extended family the much needed connection and sense of inclusion when we felt so isolated and disconnected.

Relative of patient

Thank you! I loved hearing my mom’s voice even if I couldn't see her. Hearing her voice brought me relief.

Daughter of patient

How it works

Supporting families and residents

VoiceLove's innovative, life-changing technology brings families closer, boosts residents' well-being, and creates better health outcomes through the healing power of voice. By integrating seamless communication with loved ones and caregivers, assisted living facilities offer a more robust support network throughout the older adult care experience.
Woman smiling at her young son while holding a phone